I attended a sharing/workshop carried out by Mr Ronnie Tan
Chuan Xiong, a Speech and Language Therapist that engaged himself with KPJ and
Tawakal. I really appreciate the session as Mr Ronnie Tan did it for FOC to us.
It was really nice of him.
In the session, we found parents coming from all over
places. Some even travelled 2 hours to attend the workshop. I received very
valuable information during the workshop. Here I would like to share what I
have learn and hope it would not only benefit Noah but also to those who needs
The concept
Allow the child to understand the power of speech &
action. Parents were encourage to keep companion with the child throughout the
process then slowly let the child to be independent of using his speech.
Interaction plays an important role. Most case speech is
stimulate or being introduced through eye contact, join attention, and turn
taking, pointing, gesture and playing.
A person interaction able to give the child understand the
reason of communication. Mr Ronnie also mentioned about the art to ask
questions. When a child is ready to communicate, it is always good to initiate
question with comments. It could be approached to observe the child’s interest
and develop join attention.
Language is able to develop with first experience then via
understanding and expressing. It is able to be achieve via our daily life. Example
given was to give apple. First the caregiver could indicate the object (apple),
action (eat), action (cut) and description (into pieces). It could also be done
during the OT activities such as ‘jump’, write ‘letter’ etc.
Method that used is vary from the learning style of each
individual on whether through music, visual and etc. It could be done first
with demonstration, then companion and lastly encouragement (for the kid to
perform by him/herself).
Pause & Wait
Pause and wait also the keys approach to demonstrate. After
the demonstration stage, parents were advised to wait for the child’s input
before fulfill.
Play has an essential role to encourage speech and language.
Parents companion is important but Mr Ronnie Tan also remind parents not to
control, set a safe boundaries is a must of course. Attendees were told to
wait, create challenge and create opportunity. More words could be generated/introduced
with activities that the child takes. Examples
were also given during the workshop
Keep the favorite toy or food in an unreachable
Wait for the child ask/indication
Demonstrate & prompt for action
Wait for the child action before fulfill
Parents could also increase words by giving
Changing routine, skip or remove part of the
routine could also be an approach to crate challenge and opportunity for the
child to communicate such as give an empty bowl during dinner time and
encourage the child to ask for food, that to be fill in the bowl.
Understand, Imitate and Express
In the session, Mr Ronnie Tan explained on the approach that
taken for demonstration. It includes
Name the item
Add description
Add action
Introduce pronounce
Stated the quantity
Include expression
Include social words
It could be done in the daily life and also in a routine. It
is aim to make the child to understand, then allow him/her to take attempt and
try to perform.
Game/Play Development
Many words were introduced stimulated through play. It could be done via turn taking, create
chance and then expand the wordings. Companion is a key component be it the
whether the child is in functional play, construction play or pretend play.
For kids that love music or rhythms, parents could sing the
song then pause, to create opportunity or to prompt the child to ‘fill the
blanks’. It could also be done along with picture, objects and screen play. It
is ideal to let the child to lead the way to introduce him/her the power of
speech and to encourage verbal behavior. It is best done with people game or
any interaction play.
Tips for Apraxia
As for kid who has apraxia, parents were reminded to take
slow motion to pronounce a word. It is also crucial whether the child look at
you or not. Child with apraxia would need more practice and repetition to pick
up words.
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