Sacha Inchi Oil - It is good for kids with Autism?

The group of parents with special needs child in my circle has opened a discussion on sacha inchi oil, as supplement for kids. Perhaps it is fact; or make it a myth that people in business made up for  their advantage. We found some stated that it is extremely good to improve kids’ performance. 
Some parents stated that after taking the supplement, the child has tremendously improved in term of speech and learning ability. 
Here I would like to share my humble and real experience with sacha inchi oil. I started giving my Noah since he was three years old. He is five now and I am still giving him sacha inchi oil every day. I do not notice any improvement in term of performance, ability and capability in Noah. Noah remain non-verbal, not able to go toilet independently, not able to write, not able to throw and receive thing that thrown to him and lack of socialize skill. I continue the oil as I notice on the improvement on Noah’s immune system.

As a consumer experience, sacha inchi oil help to improve my kid's overall health but does nothing to improve his autism. 
