Attention, Focus, Stimming & Imitation skills.

Noah is undergoing once in every 2 weeks of ABA and OT session. He is having very short attention span, having problem to stay focus and very weak imitation skills.

I was told that imitation skills is crucial for Noah’s Speech progress, in which is the major area that Noah is very lack behind. I was told to start with object, follow by ‘do this’ big body movement then fine body movement. The final step is to lead Noah imitate the oral movement to make the correct sound.

Noah is very far behind on all those areas and need to work hard to gain his attention span and focus via distance activities and fine motor skills activities. I learn that put marble into bottle, put coins into piggy bank and puzzle are good activities to train on his attention. I will start working on this.

On top of that, Noah stims a lot, in term of hand movement and oral (keep making the same sounds such as ar~~~~). I was told to keeping his hand busy is a good attempt to reduce stimming. In term of oral/noise, I am still figuring out ….
