Not so Cool Sunday

I bring Noah to Sunday School almost every week. Noah started his Sunday School when he was two. He is going to five and still yet to make himself comfortable there.

I can understand he will receive different treatment since there are so many kids in the Sunday School. I can understand but then I know it is hard for me to accept. I cannot convince myself that Noah is okay with the treatment. He just simply unable to blend with the group.
It is hard sicken to see other kids make fun of Noah's action. He is odd and make meaningless noise in the Sunday School. Noah appears to be restless, wandering around and unable to listen to instructions.
I am helpless. I am lost and sometimes I want to avoid bringing Noah to Sunday School. I am stressed out when the person in charge come to me and ask me whether I take any approach to improve Noah.

I know Noah doesn't enjoy his Sunday School. He is much easier to be settled with any one to one therapy session. I have just enrolled him to music therapy and to my surprise, the adapts it quite well. I was with him for the first 30 mins then Noah is able to on his own with the therapist.

Things never goes smooth with Sunday School. I can understand it is hard to find way for Noah to adapt but still I am upset. I am helpless in church.  
