Sticker Play - 1,2,3 & A,B,C

Noah loves sticker. I have been using it to practice number sequencing and my next goal will be alphabet.

I have been practicing with Noah on number sequencing months ago. He is now able to recognize numbers. Sometimes he can arrange the sequence by himself but most the time he is distracted by playing with the sticker on his finger. On top of that, Noah attention span is the main barrier for him to perform better.

I can recall the situation when I first introduces Noah using sticker to practice number sequencing. It was too hard for both of us. I then started with short sequence, 1to 3 then 1 to 5. Now I am practicing 1 to 15 with Noah. He cannot score 100% but he can make 60%. I am happy with the improvement. I hope Noah would learn and improve his attention span with this activity.
