God Cares? I do not think so.

I can still recall the moment,  I got married to a non Christian, received prayer from a pastor then conceived with Noah, my little prince. I was very sure that this was sent from God and my husband agreed with the offering ceremony that we decided to offer the baby to God when he was 100 days old.

I was in strong faith that and I prayed hard during and after my pregnancy that God send me a healthy and normal kid. I did not mind the gender and how beautiful the baby would look like, as long as my baby was healthy and normal baby.

I had post depression and just right then I was about to get out of it, my son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It had no cure and it affects one life long.

I had questioned God and I lose faith with God. Since then, I never pray for God on any miracle or healing over Noah as I do not dare to trust God again.
